Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Healthier Summer Desserts

I've always found it easier to eat healthfully in summer than in any other season.
As the local growing season peaks, the bounty of fresh vegetables and fruits helps us to fill our tummies with stuff we love to eat, and it's good for us, too. What a treat!

Frozen desserts are another special summer delight. While my craving for ice cream or other cold desserts pretty much vanishes in fall and winter, once the mercury climbs, I start to want those very things.

Luckily, it's not hard to make frozen desserts with a more than acceptable health profile.

Check out some of the frozen dessert recipes at Eating Well's website. You don't necessarily have to own an ice-cream machine to create these delicious treats, some of which are quite easy to put together.

This cherry ice cream pie, pictured above, is among my favorites from the magazine's great website. The only time-consuming task is to pit the cherries, if you're using fresh ones. Frozen cherries are already pitted and will work fine for this yummy pie.

What could be better than cherries and chocolate?

Recipe: Cherry Ice Cream Pie with Chocolate Cookie Crust
Serves 6-8

  • 3 cups reduced-fat “light” vanilla ice cream, softened
  • 11/4 cups chopped pitted fresh or frozen cherries, divided
  • 1 9-inch chocolate-cookie pie crust
  • 2 tablespoons mini chocolate chips
Gently combine ice cream and one cup of cherries in a large bowl.
Transfer to the prepared crust and top with the remaining cherries and the chips.
Freeze until firm, at least four hours.

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